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Should I Get a 硕士 in Business Analytics: 7 Things To Consider

It’s not a secret that business analytics is a fast growing field. 根据 世界经济论坛, 企业“对分析师的需求更大,因为他们需要帮助来理解技术颠覆所产生的所有数据.”

Like many careers that are expanding, 有一点需要考虑:“迫切需要商业分析专业人士, do I really need a master’s degree to do the work?”

的 answer depends on your career objectives, so let’s look at 7 reasons to get your master’s in business analytics.

Reason 1:  Qualify for Senior Leadership Roles in an Organization

“To enter the field, a bachelor's degree is fine,” Jiang Li, Ph.D.,椅子,M.S. in Business Analytics and lead faculty, M.S. in Data Analytics at 十大正规赌博平台大全排行 says. “然而, improving your abilities for problem-solving, 学习先进的分析方法,发展分析技能和工具是至关重要的. To move up the career ladder, a graduate degree is very helpful.”

一些业务分析专业人员在业务逻辑方面很强,而另一些则在工作的技术需求范围内工作得很好. 硕士课程为专业人士提供了完善他们的技能和知识的机会. 这最终使学生成为一个更“完整”的员工,可以利用他们新发现的技能来跨越组织的需求, making them an ideal candidate to grow in their career.

Reason 2:  Qualify for A Job/Career You’ve Always Wanted


考虑获得硕士学位还有另一个原因——其他人都在这么做. 当然,你不应该因为别人都在做什么就去做什么, but in order to stay competitive, obtaining a master’s can be a good career decision.

Reason 3: You Want to Increase Your Earning Potential


“With some career experience, 学生可以轻松地将分析方法/技能与他们解决业务问题的技能联系起来,” Dr. 李说. 

While these are valued skills separately, the benefits of combining them can be seen in a student’s paychecks. 

Reason 4: To Be Seen As a Strong Job Candidate

In addition to the knowledge behind it, a master’s shows companies that you have made an investment in your career.

“雇主希望雇佣能够为公司带来价值的人,”他说. 李说. “这可能有多种形式,但拥有硕士学位背后的技能和经验意味着你进入这个行业,就可以开始工作.”




Reason 5: You Want to Chart Your Own Path As a Consultant. 

One of the unlisted benefits to getting an M.S. in Business Analytics is the freedom it provides. 有了额外的知识和技能,你将获得更多的信心,锻造自己的职业生涯作为一个顾问. 

“硕士学位让你有机会获得商业分析实践的全面知识. 很多学生在他们的本科课程中已经学到了很多不同的组成部分,但这是所有东西结合在一起的地方,” Dr. 李说.

他继续说, “公司意识到,拥有硕士学位的商业分析专业人士并不是一件奢侈的事情, 它们是必需品. 这是因为,对该公司来说,拥有可以“目测”的数据是不够的,’ they need people who can manage, read and understand the data fields.”

Reason 6: Gain Skills Not Immediately Required In Your Current Role


研究生课程将帮助学生全面学习商业分析, 让他们更有竞争力,更好地为解决商业问题做好准备,” Dr. 李说. “例如, 在现代工业中, 许多传统角色都需要更多地接触大量业务数据. After retrieving data from the data warehouse by SQL, 产品或市场分析师可以快速检查业务绩效, and the underwriting analyst can identify the new segment with high risk. 通过分析数据获得的这些见解具有改善组织结果的强大潜力,” Dr. 李说.

Reason 7: Develop a Lifelong Professional Network

Dr. 李说 that at Franklin, 大多数教师都有行业经验,这使他们能够使课堂材料少一些理论性,多一些实用性. 教师也有独特的渠道与行业专家,他们可以被邀请到演讲. 

“对于学生来说,这是一个与演讲者建立联系的好机会, professors and others in the industry,他说. “这种联系不仅发生在学生和老师之间,也发生在日常的学习任务中. 一些学生选择现实世界的问题(从他们的商业领域)作为他们的项目在顶点课程. 这使他们能够将自己的学习付诸实践,并扩大他们值得信赖的顾问和资源网络.

Master Your Career Today

master’s program at Franklin 是为工作的成年人设计的,上课时间灵活而快速. Utilizing practical labs, 学生将有机会与同龄人一起学习现实世界中解决商业问题的技巧. 十大正规赌博平台大全排行的M.S. in Business Analytics can be earned in just 12 months!

加速您的数据 & Business Analytics Career