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会计 & 数据分析:你需要知道的

今天的公司比以往任何时候都能获得更多的信息. 事实上, SeedScientific估计 每一天 2.5万亿字节 生成的数据. 但这对会计来说意味着什么呢?


Companies need strong accounting leaders to translate their portion of that data into valuable insights that can help a company improve business outcomes and adjust to changing sales patterns all in real-time.

Collecting and collating large amounts of data takes time, discipline and a certain set of skills. 这些技能可以在具有会计背景的会计身上找到 数据分析. Their knowledge and experience enables them to dive deep into the data and extract the value in it. 

As the amount of available information increases so does the need to have skilled accountants who can analyze and contextualize it, which puts a particular importance on the need for accountants with strong data analytic skills. 


根据 会计学杂志 数据分析”...includes sourcing 有关 data and performing analyses…and using the insights gained from analytics in decision-making.” 

Data analytics are used by accountants to do things like discern patterns in customer spending, 识别市场行为, 预测趋势并预测监管反应. 

Accountants who specialize in 数据分析 manage, analyze and mine multiple streams of data. 这样做为他们提供了可用于回答问题的粒度级细节, 识别模式并做出基于事实的预测.

准备好进入会计行业了? 在十大正规赌博平台大全排行的免费会计职业指南中获得每个职业阶段的见解.



  • 评估性能: The performance of every area of the business can be evaluated using predetermined metrics. An accountant may look at revenue data, quarterly goal performance or production numbers.
  • 降低风险: 可以实时发现和管理当前或潜在的风险区域. 融资需求, process flows and investment opportunities are all areas that an accountant may look at.
  • 理解行为: Tracking and reviewing consumer and internal behavior patterns and employee productivity waves enable accountants to drive business decisions and growth plans.
  • 制定商业计划: 对过去和现在的商业模式有详细的了解, 一个公司可以自信地为自己的未来制定计划. 会计会考虑历史销售数字等因素, 员工保留模式, 组织支出和设备生命周期.
  • 业务结构改进: 当公司的某个部门没有达到预期时, 数据分析可以确定需要改进的地方. 为了创造一个有效的策略, 会计可以审查销售预测, 历史销售业绩数字和运营成本.
  • 找到机会: Opportunities to grow and develop a competitive advantage can be uncovered by analyzing past performance and looking at current trends. These include operational capabilities, current customer breakdowns and market patterns.
  • 利润最大化: 数据分析可以提供清晰的洞察力, 一个公司可以做出决定来建立他们的底线. 为了帮助解决这个问题, 会计人员会查看一些数据点,包括过去的购买行为, 当前市场趋势, 库存管理和客户订单. 


《十大正规赌博平台大全排行》 相信通过利用大数据,会计师...可以利用数据管理工具吗, 包括增强现实, to humanize and contextualize spend data for the C-suite to make better decisions based on long-term value rather than return on investment alone.”

A skilled accountant can use analytics to move companies from using static representative samples in their decision making to a continuous data-monitoring model which provides a holistic view and empowers them to make more accurate and timely decisions.


  1. 描述性分析
    • 会计想要回答“发生了什么”这个基本问题.“为了有效地做到这一点, they have to take all available data points and create accurate reports that reflect the reality of the business.
    • 会计师使用描述性分析来创建报告和财务报表.
  2. 诊断分析
    • 这里要回答的问题是“为什么?.” Accountants rely on current information and historical data to provide insights and reasons for the known outcomes.
    • Diagnostic analytics are used to create dashboards that are part of an examination of completed business periods.
  3. 预测分析
    • 这就是会计师们试图辨别“下一步是什么”的地方.长期以来,会计师的任务一直是进行商业预测, but with access to big data they are also able to predict the patterns that drive those forecasts.
    • An accountant will use predictive analytics to develop models that showcase potential business outcomes. 
  4. 规范的分析
    • 会计师并不总是只需要预测业务的走向, 他们可以帮助他们到达那里. 使用数据分析, an accountant can produce fact-driven reports that can be translated into actionable steps.
    • 规定性分析在构建数据支持的业务计划时使用.

会计师可能会选择一个专业领域, 他们很可能会发现自己在跨类别工作.


Becoming a successful accountant specializing in data analysis takes a certain amount of technical skill and critical thinking ability. You’ll need to be able to work within industry specific data analytic tools to help companies make good decisions.

It’s also extremely helpful to understand languages like Python and “R” to create custom algorithms and data models that can be used with larger sets of data. 

虽然技术技能很重要, 如果没有有效的沟通和表达技巧,你就走不远. 能够以清晰的方式恰当地表达你的见解是很重要的, 简洁的, 以及可操作的方式.


  • Excel
    Excel是小型企业的流行工具. 它很容易导航核心会计需求,包括起草预算, 建立财务报表和编制资产负债表.

  • 处理大型数据集的会计师(如.g. (一家中型公司)发现表是一个强大而灵活的工具. 它的价值在于其“可视化数据的能力”.
  • 权力BI 
    权力BI结合了商业智能和数据可视化. 它也是一个高度连接的应用程序,因为它很容易与Excel连接, Quickbooks, Google Analytics and more so accountants can use it to aggregate multiple streams of data.
  • 的想法
    Accountants use 的想法 because it’s software that was specifically built for 数据分析. Data can be easily imported and analyzed quickly, efficiently, and in a user-friendly format.
  • A.I. 和分析
    A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) holds powerful potential for the accounting field but when it comes to data analysis it has limitations. 而一个.I. 系统可能能够快速分析大型数据集, 人类仍然需要批判性地进行评估, 根据这些数据解释并制定商业计划.


新的数据点不断产生, 会计数据分析是一个不断发展和日益重要的领域. The potential and power in data makes this an exciting and challenging time for accountants to expand their skill set. 

你可以在十大正规赌博平台大全排行开始迎接这个挑战 会计数据分析证书. 这是十大正规赌博平台大全排行的另一种完全认可的产品 会计 程序.

Franklin has developed exceptional accounting 数据分析 courses at the undergraduate and graduate level. The faculty at Franklin are experts in the field of 数据分析 and they work with students all over the world to bring the specifics of accounting 数据分析 to them in a very hands-on, 有关, 当前实用的方法.

Data is fast becoming the currency of business and there are important details and insights in it, 只要你知道去哪里找.

Get tips for success from 10 in-field experts to help you climb the career ladder and increase your earning potential.