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The outlook for nurse practitioners is excellent: Nurse practitioner ranks No. 1上 2022年最佳医疗保健工作 来自U的名单.S. News. 它也是 最抢手的医疗职位 这是连续第二年了, 梅里特·霍金斯说, 一家全国性的医疗保健搜索和咨询公司.
家庭执业护士(FNPs)的未来尤其光明:因为这些高级执业注册护士可以作为初级保健提供者, 他们可以帮助缓解医疗保健需求与可提供医疗保健的初级保健医生数量之间日益扩大的差距.
但MSN-FNP并不仅仅用于家庭护理实践. 这篇文章将探讨许多方法,你可以使用科学硕士护理-家庭护士执业, 或MSN-FNP学位.


FNPs诊断, 治疗和管理急慢性疾病,同时强调促进健康和疾病预防. While their scope of practice differs by state, it generally includes:

  • 评估病人
  • Ordering, performing and interpreting diagnostic and lab tests
  • 做出诊断
  • 启动和管理治疗, including prescribing medication and non-pharmacological treatments
  • Coordinating patients’ care across their team of health practitioners
  • 咨询
  • Educating patients, their families and their communities

某些技能可以增加FNP的薪水. 专注于其中一个或多个领域可以帮助你找到适合你的能力领域的职位,同时也能提高你的薪水. 根据Payscale,当我 FNP has these 10 popular skills, they’ll see an increase in their salary:

有关更多薪资信息,请参见 Family Nurse Practitioner Salary: How Much Can I Expect to Make?


获得一个免费的指导来帮助你提升你的职业生涯, featuring helpful advice and thoughtful insights from nursing experts.


Frequently Asked Questions About Family Nurse Practitioners



FNP的业务范围涵盖的所有内容以及这些从业人员拥有的所有技能, 难怪会有人问这个问题. 答案是,fnp和md / do都是训练有素的医疗专业人员,可以提供初级保健服务.
然而,在教育、许可、获取便利程度和方法方面存在显著差异. While nurse practitioners have more training than registered nurses, 他们接受的培训比医生少. Nursing boards license NPs while medical boards license MDs. 患者通常可以预约FNP,他们专注于疾病预防

Does a Family Nurse Practitioner Have Leadership Over an RN?

Yes. FNP具有更高的教育水平——护理理学硕士学位,而不是学士学位或副学士学位——并且比注册护士(RN)有更多的经验。. 这导致fnp具有比RN更高级的角色,具有更大的范围和权限.


因为拥有MSN-FNP学位的护士接受过培训,可以为包括婴儿在内的所有年龄段的患者提供以家庭为中心的医疗保健服务, 青少年, adults and seniors—they are qualified to work in nearly every healthcare setting.
“There are so many things nurse practitioners can do,” says Dr. 凯西VanRavenstein, 家庭执业护士, 成人老年学执业护士, and the director of clinical 教育 at 十大正规赌博平台大全排行. “我做过的最令人惊讶的事情之一就是心血管手术. I worked in the OR and learned how to harvest veins from patients. So that was one thing I don't think a lot of nurse practitioners think they can do.
“I’ve also worked at free clinics, which is very rewarding.  许多州都有上门服务, so you can actually go to patients’ homes and see and treat patients who can’t get out. 这只是无尽的机会.”

急性或紧急护理中心-帮助评估病人的病情,提供良好的护理,并开具检查和药物. 该中心的快节奏和病人需求的不可预测性意味着你将在不同的病人和情况下获得一系列的经验.

大学生健康诊所-照顾病人和轻伤, 进行健康检查和咨询, 提供健康护理和健康教育.

社区卫生中心—Act as a resource, educating and informing the public on proper health practices. 你也可以提供初级保健, 包括记录病人的病史, 进行考试, 安排和解释测试并接种疫苗.

相关设施-评估病人,进行病史和体格检查,并安排实验室检查. On any day, you might see both minor and more serious illnesses.

医生办公室或私人诊所—Assist the physician with patient care or in select states, 在没有医生监督的情况下为病人看病. You’ll see fewer patients here than in 一个医院 or an acute care center, 但你可能会花更多的时间和你的病人在一起,并反复去看他们.

无家可归的诊所-这取决于诊所, provide a patient-centered approach to care with a team that treats the whole patient. 在这里,与病人建立信任关系以及进行医疗检查尤为重要.

Hospice-提供一般的病人护理,与家属沟通,并提供情感支持. 你将有幸在病人及其家人生命中的关键时刻陪伴他们.

医院-在从急诊室到产科病房的各种环境中提供病人护理. 你将在非传统的轮班时间里获得各种情况和病人的经验.

家庭护理计划-为慢性病患者提供居家护理, 包括进行评估, 诊断, 提供治疗, 评估病人护理. 这是另一种环境,你可以随着时间的推移与病人建立关系.

大老板-评估,诊断,治疗和教育患者在公司的现场健康诊所. 你可以治疗间歇性和急性症状, 进行预防性健康或生物特征筛查, 并在任何一天进行免疫接种.

长期护理机构-提供一系列保健服务,包括诊断和管理健康状况. You’ll get to work with the same patients for longer than in most settings, 而且节奏通常会稍慢一些.

电影片场医疗队-确保布景和演员的安全,并提供医疗保障. 在COVID大流行期间, movie set medical teams provided COVID testing and vaccinations on location.

门诊—Similar to working in a private physician’s office or clinic, but in an outpatient center where patients go for minor procedures and treatments.

零售诊所或便利护理诊所—Provide many aspects of healthcare from treating minor injuries, fevers and colds to giving flu shots and administering immunizations and COVID tests, 这些诊所可以是独立的,也可以是大型商店. You’ll see patients who are there because it’s convenient and the cost is reasonable.

学校诊所 —Provide care for infections, migraines, asthma and other chronic conditions. Perform risk assessments and mandated screenings (hearing, vision), 提供体检, 教育学生健康问题, 开具药物和免疫接种. 你尤其要有团队精神,因为你可能需要和心理健康治疗师合作, 精神科医生, 牙医, 健康教育工作者和监督医生.

远程医疗—Support a much broader geographical and socioeconomic range of patients. FNPs在这些数字平台上可能特别有价值,因为他们的广泛知识使他们能够快速评估各种健康问题.


一旦你拿到硕士学位, you’ll not only be able to work as an FNP in a variety of healthcare settings, but you’ll also be able to explore other career options. 这些包括:

运用你的技能, 教育, 通过在护理学校或教学医院担任教员,获得第一手经验,帮助培养下一代护士. You may also design, implement, evaluate and revise 教育al programs for nurses.

During COVID, many NPs worked as RNs because of the crisis. “If you want to work as an RN, you’ve got to remember that is what you’re doing. 你不能做医疗决定. You’re taking the orders instead of giving the orders,” Dr. VanRavenstein说. “You have to draw the line between being an NP and an RN; you want to make sure you’re staying within your scope.”

Analyze testimony and medical reports in cases that involve healthcare or injuries, 担任专家证人, 并提供证词. 你可以为政府机构、律师事务所、医疗机构和保险公司工作.


为教育机构撰写健康内容, 营销公司, 杂志, 网络媒体, 制药公司, etc. 研究或写书. 作为一个自由撰稿人, 你可以设定你的工作时间,工作多少就做多少——有很多工作要做!
FNP也可以是旅行护士, 或者是本地十人, which means the nurse fills a temporary staffing need at a facility—for example, 一个医院, clinic, or home. 作为临时工,执业护士可以获得不错的收入,并可以自由选择在哪里生活和工作.
The employment outlook for FNPs is exceptional: Not only is 到2030年,就业预计将增长52%据美国媒体报道.S. 劳工统计局, but the ways you can be employed with an MSN-FNP degree are many and varied.
选择十大正规赌博平台大全排行灵活的在线课程,为所有年龄段的患者提供全面护理,为这个令人兴奋的职业做好准备 M.S. 在护理-家庭执业护士 track. 通过它, 您将获得评估和管理常见急慢性疾病的知识和临床技能, promote health and prevent disease for individuals throughout their lives. And if you already have earned your MSN degree in another specialty, Franklin’s 研究生FNP证书 or 护理实践博士-Family Nurse Practitioner (DNP-FNP) track will help you switch career paths and become an FNP.
